

Peace+Love is committed to the positive promotion of world peace and nonviolence using the fusion of F.A.M.E.(fashion, arts, music, and entertainment) while collaborating with other organizations whose mission statement works cohesively with a shared commitment to reducing violence.


  • Positive promotion of world peace and non-violence
  • Create greater awareness of violence and the impact it has on families and communities
  • Create Peace Pads in underserved communities to provide a safe space and place designed by youth for youth
  • Youth Engagement Program – The Art of Peace+Love School tour teaching youth about making better choices through a youth engagement program that encourages youth to share their thoughts, feelings, and solutions for combating violence and managing their anger


a more peaceful and loving world

#livepeaceandlove encourages people to live the spirit of Peace+Love in their daily lives and share words, images, or videos of how they live Peace+Love every day by including the #livepeaceandlove in their post

onelove presents

“Who Was Reesce?” PART #1

View part one of an intimate portrait of the woman, wife, sister, mother and how her untimely passing led to the creation and inspiration of the Peace+Love movement.

onelove presents

“Who Was Reesce?” PART #2

View part two of an intimate portrait of the woman, wife, sister, mother and how her untimely passing led to the creation and inspiration of the Peace+Love movement.

our programs

Find out more about what’s happening everyday at Peace+Love.

Peace+Love School Tour

Spreading Peace to our youth since 2005

Peace+Love has conducted the Art of Peace+Love school tour since 2005. A 90-minute program that engages youth in the power of their choices – by making better choices they can change their life and their community. Students participating in the Art of Peace+Love Interactive, Youth-engagement School Tour program participate in an interactive conversation about their community, anger management, and the power of making better choices. Students are invited to take a Pledge for Peace+Love at the end of the program and receive Peace+Love apparel for their interactive participation.


Our kids need a save place to learn.

Save our Schools is a fashion art program created after the Marjory Stoneman Douglas school shooting. “Save Our Schools” encourages youth and families to adopt the philosophy of “You are What you Wear” encouraging lawmakers, politicians, school administrators and the community-at-large to adopt a stronger commitment to saving our schools from violence.


Just be kind.

The BeKind campaign is a fashion art campaign that encourages people to give the greatest FREE gift they can give. The gift of kindness. Choosing kindness, peace, love and non-violence are all choices that can change the world and save lives. The Save our Schools, The BeKind Campaign and the Peace+Love brand all support the mission of Peace+Love Worldwide’s mission of using the fusion of fashion and arts to invoke and incite positive change!


These are the core issues that Peace+Love seeks to address.

Providing Resources

Teaching Children about Non-Violence

Protect the Elderly

Educate Single Parent Families


Stop Online Bullying